Friday, May 27, 2011

Products I Use...

This product leaves my hair feeling strong (Keratin & Protein).

Starting sealing with this product on Monday (5/23). However, so far this product has left my hair feeling extremely soft and I am 7 weeks post relaxer. 

I’ve been sealing with this product since the start of my journey and I love it! This product makes my hair feel soft and it smells great. I will continue to use this product in my regime.

I use this product as my deep conditioner mixed with JBCO, EVOO & EVCO. After sitting under the dryer for 45min or 1hr my hair is super soft (rinse with cold water). 

I use this product every other week. Although this conditioner is moisturizing and leaves my hair really soft, it is a protein conditioner, so I always follow-up with the Cholesterol mix above.

I use this relaxer every 10 weeks.

This shampoo leaves my hair feeling really soft, love this stuff!

I love coconut oil! I use this product heavily in my hair routine and I also use it to moisturize my skin.

This product has assisted with thickening my hair. I use this product in my deep conditioners only.

I use an olive oil from the dollar store (no pic) any extra virgin olive oil is fine.

Hair Journey (2010-2011)

I have been on a Healthy Hair Journey since August 2010. Therefore, I figured why not start this blog off by sharing with all of you my hair journey from August 2010-May 2011. This journey has been really exciting thus far and I thank and all of the wonderful ladies over there for their advice and support. I still have a LONG way to go, but I can already see the benefits of staying focused and finding a routine that works. Below you will find my regimen and the products I currently use. For those of you starting out on your journey (especially my ear/neck length sisters) stay focused and find what works for YOUR hair.

Regimen: (currently wash my hair 1X a week)
·        Pre-poo w/(EVCO over night)
·        Shampoo with ORS Creamy Aloe Shampoo
·        DC with Lustrasilk Olive Oil Cholesterol, EVOO, EVCO & JBCO (45min-1hr under dryer)
·        Apply Nearly Natural Moroccan Argan Oil Hydrating Serum
·        Apply Aphogee Keratin & Green Tea Restructurizer
·        Apply Herbal Essence Long Term Relationship Leave in Split End Protector
·        Air Dry (use scarf method)
·        M&S (on nearly dry hair) with Herbal Essence Long Term Relationship Leave in Split End Protector, EVOO & EVCO (started moisturizing with One ‘n Only Argan Oil from Sally’s)

(Alternate protein every other wash)- ORS Replenishing Conditioner

-Moisturize and seal 1x a day (night) with HELTR, EVOO & EVCO
-Relaxer ORS every 10 weeks

EVOO= Extra Virgin Olive Oil
EVCO= Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
JBCO= Jamaican Black Castor Oil
ORS= Organic Root Stimulator